Tuesday, August 27, 2019

For the third essay, you are going to select an issue that you feel Research Paper

Cyber Insecurity - Research Paper Example In fact, as part of globalization and for that matter technology, communication and commerce have been more enhanced than they used to be before. But as much as we talk of the advantages of globalization, it is also important to have a look at what the repercussions of globalization and for that matter influx of technology have been on the larger population of the world. Cybersecurity is a term that is often used to represent the kind of protection given to personal information and digital documents. In his article â€Å"Winning the fight against cyber crimes†, Lurrent (2012) argues that the need for cybersecurity has increased and become timely mainly because of increases of activities of illegal cyber operations. By this, reference is being made to the numerous acts of cyber attacks that are launched in the field of information systems. In the use of both personal and organized information systems, reports of information thief, virus attacks and other forms of information irregularities have been reported on a daily basis. Some of these are so serious that they easily result in people losing thousands of dollars especially when the bank details of users are tapped by cybercriminals. As much as these acts of cyber insecurity increase, there is the need for advanced countermeasures that can put the minds of end users at rest. In his article â €Å"Countermeasures for cybersecurity†, Deritck (2011) clearly states that unless pragmatic steps are taken to give total protection to users of the internet and other information systems against cyber insecurities of all forms, the interest that people have in using technology in advancing communication and commerce will bring down.  

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