Sunday, August 25, 2019

Organizational Behavior - General Hospital Case Term Paper

Organizational Behavior - General Hospital Case - Term Paper Example There is a strong link between the individual –organization interface in any institution and since each individual brings about unique personalities and experiences (Griffin & Moorhead, 2010), there is a need to have a harmonized way of operations in organization behavior. This is the typical problem that is being experienced at the General Hospital. Hellringer & Slocum (2011) elaborate that conflict occurs when one group or a party feels that their interests and opinions are being ignored or opposed to by another party. The differences in personalities, experiences, and lack of harmonization of the two in an organization set up as Griffin & Moorhead (2010)argues plays a large part in these conflicts to occur. In the General hospitals, doctors are interested in achieving personal ends through colluding unethically with the employees of pharmaceutical companies that serve the hospital. This makes the doctors leave their duties of attending to the patient as they concentrate on their personalized benefits, and this also becomes a complicated issue in pharmaceutical companies as employees find ways of serving the doctors with the pharmaceutical products for personal ends. Hammer on the other hand as the chief executive officer in the hospital feels that the doctors are not delivering on their services and that the doctors were the major cause of the escalating costs in the hospital. They are the stabling block towards managing the costs. Hammer also believes that the doctors have much allegiance to their professions compared to their duties, and this was affecting the services to patients (Hellringer & Slocum, 2011). Harding supports Hammer and together decides to fire Doctor Boyer, in a move that was believed to aid in saving the hospital from the escalating costs.

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